Was Mr. Guilbeault being a bit too ambitious or was he mistaken when he stated that in 2023, there would be no more subsidies? From what I understand, it's obvious that there will still be fossil fuel subsidies in 2023. We can quibble about what constitutes an inefficient subsidy, but in the meantime, the government continues to provide financial support to the fossil fuel sector.
A week ago, a stakeholder told us that the government has provided direct support to the oil and gas sector in 2020, 2021 and 2022 to the tune of $18 billion per year. That's not inconsequential. I can't believe that's $18 billion worth of inefficient subsidies. I get the impression that the concept of inefficient subsidies is a tool that allows the government to continue to provide financial support to the oil and gas sector.
I don't know how your work is coming along, but when will you be able to give us a definition of an inefficient subsidy?