We have our overall report on climate lessons learned from 2021 where we look at the big picture. We do these deep dives into specific areas like today's regulations, the two billion trees program, or forest carbon accounting.
I would draw your attention to exhibit 1 in our forests and climate change report. We state at the end of paragraph 1.3:
While Canada’s forests could help to reduce greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, this should not distract from the urgent need to reduce burning fossil fuels.
The biological capture of carbon through trees, plants, marine life and so on is helpful, but so long as we continue, as indicated in exhibit 1.1, to have a net large flux of fossil carbon from underground into the atmosphere, we will not surely tackle the climate crisis.
We do need to get a handle on human-driven emissions from fossil fuels. It's helpful, and forests are definitely a part of the equation in terms of helping address, mitigate and adapt to climate change, but until we actually bring the trajectory of emissions down from fossil fuel use, we will not succeed in limiting global temperature rise or avoid catastrophic climate change.