I'm sorry, Ms. Lapointe. We're out of time.
For our panel, we're at the end of the second round, and this takes us to 5:30. I'm going to suggest that we end at this point.
Witnesses, I want to thank all of you for being here and for the excellent insights you've provided on a very important topic. As I mentioned, I invite you to submit anything additional that you would like to provide in response to the questions or the good conversations we've had today.
By way of what's up next for the committee members, we have a constituency week next week, so we won't be here. The next meeting will be on Monday, February 28, when we'll continue our study. So far, we have five witnesses appearing. The notice of meeting will be posted for that very soon. The clerk is also looking at scheduling a subcommittee meeting following the February 28 meeting to discuss committee business. That's to be confirmed, so watch your emails.
With that, thank you so much to the witnesses and thank you to the committee members.
Ms. Rempel Garner, I'll turn it over to you for a minute.