Thank you, Mr. Angus, on the point of order.
I think this is a good opportunity for me to remind all committee members that when my light goes on, I want to give committee members an opportunity to pause so that we're not speaking over each other. We know from a previous meeting that our interpreters are doing a tremendous job, but when we have multiple mikes on and multiple members speaking, it makes the job of the interpreters very difficult. Most importantly, it's a health and safety concern, so I would remind all colleagues that I would like one member to speak at a time.
If I do have to intervene in certain cases, I will turn on my mike so that you can see the light come on. If I believe that you do not see the mike, I will ask you to pause so that I can interject and recognize another member if there is another member to be recognized.
Mr. Angus had the floor. We had a point of order by Mr. Genuis. Now Ms. Stubbs has a point of order on Mr. Genuis's comments, or a point of order...?