I know that we wanted our work to include the discussion on immigration. Here in Alberta, there is a different kind of immigration, that kind of immigration that is taking place within Canada. I understand that many francophones from our province come here. I was pleased to learn that, if they go back home in 25 years, you don't want them to have lost their French. I hope they come back before 25 years go by.
What kind of services are offered to these people?
We were talking about Edmonton and Calgary but there is also Fort McMurray. I am just giving you one example. Last year, in my region, in one week alone, in a small community called Loggieville that only has about 500 or 600 inhabitants, 70 people left for Fort McMurray. Those 70 individuals include some people who live in what are called camps and go back home every three months. You can see many houses for sale where I come from. So there are people who are moving. Therefore, there is a francophone population that is coming here to Alberta. I am sure that there also people coming here from the Gaspésie.
In fact, the Gaspésie is experiencing the same phenomenon as we are. The federal government made some very significant cuts in employment insurance. They took $50 billion away from workers. Now these people are saying that if this government does not want to help them then they might have to move. That has destroyed a whole community, the regional economy, and so on. I seem to be sending a national message.
You are the ones receiving these people and there are still more to come than you can image. I had to fight the government at one point in time because they wanted to bring in immigrants from other countries when 400 people with varying skills in New Brunswick were available to go to Alberta. In fact, the government was willing to bring in immigrants from other countries rather than use the services of Canadian men and women. I wanted to tell you this to start a dialogue. That way you know where I am coming from.
A little earlier you mentioned that you did not want to provide services solely in the larger centres but elsewhere as well. However, you will see that there are people who are going to want to live elsewhere. How do you intend on providing them with the services?