I was thinking about this. Earlier, Mr. Godin said that the Act is what it is and you, Mr. Arnal, said that there are no provisions for accountability. That reminded me, for example, of when I was working in the area of the status of women. We were trying to obtain a gender analysis in order to measure equality between men and women within government. Because that analysis had not yet been done, we had very little recourse, very few means to condemn certain situations and to advance the cause of women.
You have a complaints process. We have had an opportunity in Quebec, with the French Language Charter, to experience the limits of the complaints process. We know that without more punitive measures in place, it is difficult to move forward.
I was wondering if there are any provisions for accountability that we should be considering. Have you thought about how we could truly make things happen? It seems to me that as long as we continue to depend on good faith or complaints, we will be severely restricted in what we can do.