Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you for your invitation to come and speak about the vitality of official language minority communities. The Fédération canadienne pour l'alphabétisation en français believes that literacy is the glue that holds all the parts of a community together. A high literacy rate strengthens a community's vitality, and conversely, a low level generates high economic, social and democratic costs.
For example, an employee who does not understand safety instructions, parents who cannot help their children at school, elderly people who do not understand instructions about prescription drugs, or people who can neither read nor write cannot be involved in their community. We could give you many examples from everyday life, whether for financial services, justice, health or communicating with governments and citizens.
It is taken for granted that most Canadians have finished high school and know how to read and write. However, for more than a decade, research has shown that the true situation is more complex. And we are not only speaking about illiteracy here. For example, people might be capable of reading a simple text without being able to understand or use the information contained in it. There are thus several levels of literacy.
The results of the 2003 Statistics Canada International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey speak for themselves. Two out of every five working age adults, or 42% of Canada's population, have trouble understanding simple textual material. This means 9 million Canadians between 16 and 65 years of age. If people over 65 years were included, the total would be 12 million. The situation is worse for francophones: over 50% of Canadians whose mother tongue is French cannot meet the requirements of a knowledge society like Canada's.
This is worrisome, particularly as outside of Quebec, 66% of French-speaking people chose to answer the questionnaire in English. This is revealing.
The federation has played a leading role for 15 years because of its expertise in literacy. In terms of development, literacy cuts across a variety of sectors. The federation has partnerships with various groups to work in sectors such as health, employability and early childhood. We have achieved positive results, for example by establishing networks of experts in family literacy, which I believe is one of the best outcomes of the Action Plan on Official Languages.
For a year now, the federation has been working with its members to develop federal and provincial remedial plans in all of the provinces and territories with a view to raising the average literacy rate for francophones over a 10-year period in order to achieve a level equivalent to that found in Norway.
Please do not hesitate to invite us to come here once again to speak to you about these plans in detail.
By aiming at being among the best, we can succeed in ensuring the vitality of our communities. But success requires everyone's support. Achieving results would be facilitated by having a national life-long learning policy for people and a national vision for literacy.
Literacy training runs parallel to formal education. It begins in early childhood and needs to continue life-long to enable people to enhance their education. It is the missing link in the development and vitality of minority francophone communities. There have been examples in Quebec, Norway, Sweden and Ireland, which could be consulted, in which people were able to implement adult education and life-long learning policies.
Learning does not stop when people stop attending educational institutions; it needs to continue throughout life. In a knowledge economy like ours, a growing number of jobs require higher levels of education and literacy than ever. The countries that took part in the International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey demonstrated that workers in growth sectors tended to make greater use of their reading and writing skills than workers in declining sectors.
If Canada wants to be competitive in a knowledge economy, then clearly the level of literacy for all Canadians needs to be improved.
As experts, we offer our services to collaborate in such a venture. We are prepared to do so. We have plans and are ready to speak to you about them. Literacy is an investment, not an expenditure.