The answer to that question is that all requests are automatically translated and then revised. However, we do not have time to revise every text. Therefore, we intend to stop posting job offers which have not been revised in order to avoid the problem of bad quality translations.
You suggested that the client select pre-written phrases. That is exactly what we have been doing with our pre-translated lists for the past three years. The plan was approved and developed in cooperation with the official languages commissioner, the same person you were referring to earlier. Our objective was 100% quality, but supply has increased considerably since 2002, namely by 30% per year.
I agree that Canada should not make international headlines for the bad quality of its work. However, if we do not resort to machine translation, we would not be able to strike a balance between sufficient time to post an offer and making sure a quality translation has been provided.
We have specialized dictionaries, pre-translated lists, grammatical proofreaders, and we are in a process of installing a source grammatical proofreader linked to the employer's text.
You must understand, and we have already said this, that Service Canada does not have the right to change the employer's text. The employer does not always provide perfect text. When we post the original offer, it often contains grammatical and stylistic errors. And we do not have the right to provide a better translation. We may correct typos, but we must translate the original text. That is why we are going to install a source grammatical proofreader which will be available to the employer to improve the quality of job postings in both languages. This means that translation will be better because the original text for the job offer will also be better.
We therefore intend not to post mistake-ridden texts anymore. We will not be a laughing stock anymore. We will post the job offers on time and we will continue to improve our system to ensure that we can post every single offer as the system is improved and as our people proofread them.