Mr. Chairman, members of the committee, thank you.
The Alliance des radios communautaires du Canada currently has 30 members, including 21 stations on the air, three at the start up stage and six at the implementation stage. We are active in nine provinces and two territories. Our network has a potential audience of 450,000 listeners and employs 110 permanent staff. Another 1,000 active volunteers are involved in local radio on a daily basis.
Community radio stations are essential communication tools for the development and vitality of Canada's francophone and Acadian minority communities. Our community radio stations respond to our needs to have access to local information, to promote culture and local identity, and to protect and promote the French-language. They support the social and economic development of the communities they serve, contribute to social cohesion and encourage collective and individual involvement in local issues.
On March 24,2004, a number of organizations representing the francophone and Acadian communities, including the ARC du Canada, appeared before the committee in response to the government of the day's decision to place a moratorium on media buys. That announcement was a serious blow to the francophone minority media and provoke a crisis that called the very survival of our media into question.
In May 2004, the committee submitted its report entitled Impact of the Plan to Strengthen Management of Government of Canada Advertising on the Official-language Minority Media. That report produced two recommendations. The first was that the Government of Canada should immediately set aside a minimum of 5.4 per cent of its media buys for the official language minority media. The second was that PWGSC should comply fully with the Official Languages Act and other requirements set out in the Communication's Policy of the Government of Canada. That same report mentioned that, and I quote:
[...] the committee is aware that it is not always easy to reach both language groups in all parts of the country in a perfectly equivalent way using the existing media. [...] The anglophone community in Quebec thus has access to a range of information sources containing Government of Canada advertising, while francophone minority communities do not.
The Government of Canada's response to the committee's May 2004 report was based on the fact that the measures that had been put into place since the report was submitted had made it possible to attain the committee's objectives and that a minimum level of media buys was not necessary. This finding was based on the statistics generated between June 1, 2004 — the date the moratorium was lifted — and February 10, 2005. This finding showed that 7.65 per cent of radio advertising have been directed to the official language minority media.
In fiscal year 2003-2004, the member stations of ARC du Canada had their best year in terms of media buys by the Government of Canada. On March 31, 2004, the year before the moratorium, 19 ARC du Canada's stations shared $208,000 (gross). Starting the following year, the stations experienced a drastic draw in their advertising revenues, with a total, on March 31, 2005, of $74,000 (gross), a 65 per cent drop. The past fiscal year was scarcely better, with a total, for 20 stations, of $87,500 (gross). Had it not been for a media bias of almost $30,000 by Elections Canada, the result would of been even more disappointing.
You will find that information in the annexes.
During our most recent annual general meeting, on June 1, 2 and 3, the delegates attended a PWGSC presentation entitled “Demystifying Advertising within the Government of Canada”. You will find this document in the annex. We learn that since the management framework was established, the advertising process has had clearly defined steps. According to the information we were given, it takes over a year between the planning of a departmental advertising campaign and the dissemination of messages in the media. In addition to the departments, the Cabinet Operations Committee, Treasury Board, Privy Council Office and PWGSC are involved in this process. The effect of this long process is to discourage many departments from using conventional advertising to inform the public of policies, programs, services and other initiatives by the Government of Canada.
Over the past four years, federal government spending on advertising has declined dramatically. From $111 million in 2002-2003, advertising expenses tallied no more than $33 million (estimate) in 2005-2006. What is even more disturbing is that of $71 million in advertising activities approved by Cabinet for 2005-2006, only $33 million, including public notices, was carried out. According to our analysis, this performance is in part attributable to the long and complex process in the federal government's advertising management and accountability framework. It would be interesting to calculate the direct and indirect costs of the management and many controls, including the activities of the auditor general, in this area. Although we cannot say for certain, we would not be surprised if the costs were greater than those of the advertising itself, which is rather curious.
Section 30 of the Official Languages Act does not exclude the possibility of using different media for each language community in order to ensure effective communication with each individual in the language of his or her choice. This principle is particularly important to consider in those cases where the communication medium chosen for the majority language has no counterpart in the minority language community, or the equivalent medium is not an effective way to reach the official language minority community. The desired impact of the dissemination of the message should be equivalent in the majority and minority communities. This can mean using different media and at different frequencies. For example, if an ad is published five times in an English-language daily for the majority, it could be published more than once in a French-language weekly and also be broadcast on French-language radio to obtain an equivalent impact.
PWGSC acknowledged this concept of equivalence and, in April 2006, published a guide entitled “Advertising to Official Language Minority Communities: Best Practices in Government Advertising — Series No. 1”. See the annex. While the practices described in this document could be a solution to the problem of under-use of minority community radio stations, this document is designed simply to provide information. For the moment, PWGSC has made this document available on its Internet site as a reference, where, in our opinion, it will have little impact, and in fact, none at all, on the advertising campaign planning habits of agencies and departments.
In addition to the specific obligations set out in sections 11 and 30 of the Official Languages Act, Part VII of the Act states that the federal government is committed to enhancing the vitality of Canada's francophone and anglophone minorities and supporting their development. Consequently, federal government institutions can undertake communication initiatives specific to the official language minorities without it being necessary to communicate them in the majority language. The changes made by S-3 strengthen the Official Languages Act in part by making it enforceable. Section 41(2) states that:
41(2) Every federal institution has the duty to ensure that positive measures are taken for the implementation of the commitments under subsection (3).
The positive measures apply to all federal institutions with the obligation to act. In the aftermath of S-3, new official language regulations are required, and the scope of these regulations is clear on the government's obligations in terms of communication and services — Part IV — and development of communities and promotion of linguistic duality — Part VII. One of the guiding principles of such regulations is to implement the principle of real equality, and by extension, the concept of equivalence.
With S-3, the departments and agencies must put the emphasis on innovative alternative service delivery methods and the regulations must be sufficiently flexible to encourage innovation. The regulations set the floor, not the ceiling.
In light of the preceding, the ARC du Canada proposes that the members of the committee make the principle of equivalence contained in the document “Advertising to Official Language Minority Communities: Best Practices in Government Advertising — Series No. 1” enforceable for any advertising campaign by departments and agencies of the Government of Canada.
Given the enforceability of the government's commitment to require federal institutions to ensure that positive measures are taken; given, furthermore, the government's obligations regarding communication, community development and the promotion of linguistic duality, and pursuant to the adoption of new regulations for the Official Languages Act with S-3, the Alliance des radios communautaires du Canada proposes that the members of the committee ask the Treasury Board to set aside $500,000 annually to allow federal departments and agencies to meet their obligations. Each year, the ARC du Canada will target certain key departments and agencies to propose a promotional campaign on French-language minority community radio stations, designed to meet the Act's objectives. We suggest to the members of the committee that this $500,000 investment by the Government of Canada not be subject to the advertising management framework but instead that a simple, transparent and accountable mechanism be set up with every department in order to ensure the best use of public funds.
Our minority French-language community radio stations have suffered, and continue to suffer, the fallout from the sponsorship scandal. There's no need to remind you that at no point was advertising enmeshed in this scandal. As we have shown, following the moratorium on the federal government advertising in 2004, the revenues from government of Canada media buys from our radio stations fell continuously, to a negligible amount. The majority of our member radio stations operate in remote regions or within very small communities. As a result, it becomes practically impossible to sell local advertising and the revenues from federal government advertising become a significant source of income. Many of our radio stations are experiencing hard, and indeed alarming, times and have to be propped up by francophone associations. The amendments introduced by S-3 oblige the government of Canada to take positive measures; that is exactly what the two proposals we are submitting to you today are. It is up to you, members of the Standing Committee on Official Languages, to act accordingly.
Thank you for your attention and your concern. We are now ready to hear your questions.