Thank you for asking me some very relevant questions.
The immigrant population, in particular the population that has two official languages, English and French, is indeed younger. What kind of impact can that have? From what comes to mind, knowing that school is the major driver for vitality in the community, over the years, as a result of the aging population and the fact that French is less and less being transmitted to the younger generation, we may wind up with schools where we have a lot more immigrants than non-immigrants. That depends on the regions, but that's a situation that may exist.
I know that the question of rights holders and section 23, which is based on mother tongue and not on the first official language spoken, is a completely different issue.
In a way, for rights holding parents who have not studied in French and whose mother tongue is not French, this is another issue. I would say, of course, that with a younger population, if there is a different dynamism, there is a space that could well be occupied perhaps to a greater degree by those immigrants.
With regard to services, I repeat that it is extremely difficult to ask questions in a census. We already have a census that includes nearly 54 questions. So the burden of the answers is significant.
However, in certain surveys, the Canadian Community Health Survey or the one I referred to earlier on the vitality of the minorities, we asked francophone respondents whether they had requested services in their language and whether it was important for them to have services. In general, in response to that question, the majority of francophones say that, even though they don't use French regularly, it's very important for them to receive services and to ensure that their children speak the minority language. There is a clear desire for services. However, when we ask them why they didn't ask to be served in French, a degree of resignation sometimes emerges and suggests that, ultimately, that would be too complicated or take too long because they assume the specialist or the person who provides the service to them doesn't speak French. These are answers that we received in that survey.