Statistics Canada has data which, in my opinion, receive minimal processing and have not been adequately analyzed. Statistics Canada provides a great deal of information and that information is expensive to process. Also, there needs to be a desire to understand the complexity.
For 40 years now, our society has been organized based on a framework of linguistic duality. That has made it possible to establish a certain linguistic peace in the country over a 40-year period. I think the communities and the people who live with these languages—even some who identify themselves as Francophones, Anglophones, as well as all the others who do not necessarily identify themselves in that way—will completely transform the way we live with and experience the official languages in Quebec and Canada. The Francophone community in Quebec is changing just as much as the Anglophone community changed last year in Quebec. Quebec Anglophones are very multicultural and Francophones will become that way as well, thanks to Bill 101. That was the purpose of Bill 101: to bring people in from other places, because that brings about change from the inside. So, yes, the statistics can tell us a lot of different things.
In 2006, if my memory serves me, there was a survey on official languages that asked far more nuanced questions. Statistics make it possible to introduce a lot more complexity into our observations. However, what we see in the media and what is often used to alarm people are statistics that have been “flattened”.
Let us look at the statistics, but let us do so in a discriminating and nuanced way. That takes nothing away from what ethnography and statistics can contribute. There are two types of research that can enlighten us in different ways, but we cannot rely on one type of research alone.