Ms. LaRocque, I only have five minutes so I would like to keep going. Only five minutes, Mr. Moore. I am sorry, but the rules set by the Liberals and Conservatives when this Committee began holding meetings are that we only get five minutes—to punish the mean old New Democrats and Bloc members. What can I say?
As regards civilian positions at National Defence—National Defence is part of the Canadian government machine—I see that there are unilingual positions in Quebec. There are 1,035 unilingual English positions in Quebec. I wanted you to be aware of that, because I am sure you will be speaking to your friend, Mr. MacKay, and all the other ministers. At National Defence, 43% of the public service positions are unilingual English, compared to 5% of positions that are unilingual French. It is disproportionate. When a soldier wants to receive services in French from his own public service… There is a huge amount of work still to be done.
I would like to end on the interdepartmental issue. What is the status of your work in that area? In April, representatives of the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada told us they had no idea where the government is going in that regard. Canadian Heritage should not be the only one providing services in French to the community as a whole.