Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, good morning and welcome to the Collège catholique Samuel-Genest. It is a great honour to welcome you here to our college.
Some 40 ethnic groups are represented among our student body. This year, we welcomed a number of newly arrived families in Canada, including Haitian families. Our school is located in an environment with highly varied social status levels. A number of students come from disadvantaged families seeking financial support.
I hold the position of pastoral officer. My role with our immigrant students is above all to welcome them, to lend an attentive ear to what they have experienced before arriving in Canada and to provide them with moral support. A number of them, youths, arrive without families. So this is one way to welcome them, to support them and to meet their needs.
The biggest problem when we meet with families and students is naturally poverty, extreme poverty, since these families arrive with nothing. Sometimes, I illustrate that need by saying that they arrive with one sock and one shoe. These families often have to live in motels near the school. This year, I saw one mother with her five children living in two bedrooms at a motel, with a little stove to cook rice on. They lived there for a number of months waiting for a community shelter so they could have housing. This is a difficult situation for the children who have to go to school.
In addition, one of the important aspects when students appear at my office is seeing what their needs are. I have a kind of general store and I try to provide newcomers with all the school supplies, that is to say paper and pencils, but right now we're dealing with USB sticks. So we have to modernize. We need locks for the lockers. I often give out a combination lock, and the students ask me how to use it. They don't know how to use it, and then I find another student to teach them. That's already contact with another student.
These young families, these youths, also lack clothing. They don't know when they arrive here in summer that there will be winter. They don't know what mittens, tuques and scarves are. So there's clothing, bedding and furniture. Sometimes families sleep on the floor, don't have mattresses. They also need food. I always try to direct them to the food banks, but they aren't always open when they get hungry. So we try to offset this problem as much as possible.
I couldn't do this job without the great cooperation of staff members. Everyone lends a hand. There are families at the college that provide help, but there are also community organizations. We have fund-raising drives that also help us offset these shortfalls.
At noon, lunches are offered in the cafeteria. Every day at lunch, some 50 students are received, and we try to direct newcomers there as well. This is a place where they eat lunch, speak with others and integrate into school life.
For young newcomers, school is their second family. It's incredible to see the number of students who stay here after school, after the bell rings at 2:30, because they have nothing to do at home. They don't have any mattresses, television, video games, and they don't know the places or the community. So they stay at school. I tell them all the time that I don't understand them: when I was finished school, I couldn't wait to go home, but for them their second family is here.
There's a major volunteer project at the Collège catholique Samuel-Genest called “Changing my community”. These are volunteer initiatives organized by the kids.
In the context of these events, we try as much as possible to integrate immigrant families through suppers, outings, meetings, exchanges and multicultural shows.
My remarks won't be much longer. I'm already at the recommendations.
Naturally, for the families, I would ask that we facilitate access to neighbourhood resources. There are resources, but the families aren't familiar with them. They arrive in a country where they know absolutely nothing.
Yesterday evening, I was imagining getting these families on board a bus and taking them on a tour of the community. We could show them the Vanier Community Service Centre, the Overbrook-Forbes Community Resource Centre, the food bank. We should tell them that they can meet people. That would be a first step in getting to know the community. They would get to know the services.
We also recommend that French courses be organized for families. In my opinion, organizations and partners should increase the profile and effectiveness of services provided. For the school, there could be training for staff members on the various mindsets. That would help promote integration and understanding. In their classes, teachers receive people from a number of ethnic groups with various mindsets. I think that, if we could increase teachers' awareness and give them training courses on the mindsets of the largest number of students, because we can't talk about all the mindsets, that would definitely help gain a better understanding of our students.
There could also be after-school activities. For example, the library could stay open and provide computers and reference books, which students don't have at home. The gymnasium could open its doors to let students play sports. Since we're keeping them longer, a snack service should be set up. We have to feed them and then see to their transportation because the school buses have left.
One of the school's big projects, which we hope will be set up in September, is the opening of a used clothing store, like a thrift store, so our families and students from disadvantaged backgrounds—which is the case of most newcomer families—can be properly dressed at low cost.
These projects naturally suppose that we can hire trained staff. So in my recommendations, I added one little word for you: “budget”.
Thank you for listening to me.