Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
What interests me, but what also causes me a great deal of concern as far as this motion is concerned, is that we are not talking about all of the good things accomplished by Air Canada employees, even though we know that the company is contravening the Official Languages Act. That worries me somewhat. I am very pleased to hear that Mr. D'Amours has raised the issue. I was not aware that flight attendants had comment cards in their possession, that are ready to be distributed. I thank you, Mr. D'Amours. I was not aware that that existed.
We always give our citizens the opportunity to make comments, whether positive or negative, and we try to be as neutral as possible in carrying out our work. In my opinion, a motion was drafted in a manner that is more negative than neutral. On that subject, I believe I have proof that our position, as a committee, should be rather more neutral and not negative. I would like to quote you the committee's mandate, which is clearly defined in the House of Commons Procedure and Practice by Audrey O'Brien and Marc Bosc. In the section entitled “Standing committees”, it states the following:
Standing committees form a majority of the committees established by the House of Commons. Their authority flows from their large number (24) and the variety of studies entrusted to them, but also from the fact that they return session after session as their existence is entrenched in the Standing Orders. Composed of 11 or 12 members representing all recognized parties in the House, they play a crucial role in the improvement of legislation and the oversight of government activities.
As Figure 20.2 shows, their titles and mandates cover every main area of federal government activity, but for a few exceptions. However, they do not match its administrative structure exactly. Standing committees fall into three broad categories: (1) those overseeing one or more federal departments or organizations, (2) those responsible for matters of House and committee administration and procedure, and (3) those with transverse responsibilities that deal with issues affecting the entire government apparatus. The latter are likely to work with other committees in discharging their mandates...
The Standing Committee on Official Languages deals with, among other matters, official languages policies and programs, including reports of the Commissioner of Official Languages. The Committee's mandate is derived from a legislative provision requiring that a committee of either House or both Houses be specifically charged with reviews of the administration of the Official Languages Act and the implementation of certain reports presented pursuant to this statute.
We agree that Air Canada is a business that is governed by the federal government. However, the Official Languages Act in no way requires businesses like Air Canada to provide their clients with complaint forms. I would say that our position is that it should be more inclusive. Nowhere does it say that the cards should be addressed to the commissioner. I do not feel that it is in any way an obligation.
I will now read you an excerpt from the Official Languages Act:
2. The purpose of this Act is to
(a) ensure respect for English and French as the official languages of Canada and ensure equality of status and equal rights and privileges as to their use in all federal institutions, in particular with respect to their use in parliamentary proceedings, in legislative and other instruments, in the administration of justice, in communicating with or providing services to the public and in carrying out the work of federal institutions;
(b) support the development of English and French linguistic minority communities and generally advance the equality of status and use of the English and French languages within Canadian society; [...]
I want to emphasize the word “equality”. In my opinion, it is absolutely critical to be more inclusive. Our motion should not be only intended to gather negative comments. I believe we should include all comments, whether they be positive or negative. It would be much more acceptable and balanced. In that way, we would allow all of Air Canada's clients to make their comments as they wish.
The Official Languages Act also has the purpose, according to subparagraph 2(c), “to set out the powers, duties and functions of federal institutions with respect to the official languages of Canada”. I would like to speak of the Commissioner:
3. (1) In this Act,
“Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Official Languages for Canada appointed under section 49.
“federal institutions” includes any of the following institutions of the Parliament or Government of Canada: (a) the Senate, (b) the House of Commons, (c) the Library of Parliament, (c.1) the office of the Senate Ethics Officer and the office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner, (d) any federal court, (e) any board, commission or council, or other body or office, established to perform a governmental functions by or pursuant to an Act of Parliament or by or under the authority of the Governor in Council, (f) a department of the Government of Canada, (g) a Crown corporation established by or pursuant to an Act of Parliament, and (h) any other body that is specified by an Act of Parliament to be an agent of Her Majesty in right of Canada or to be subject to the direction of the Governor in Council or a minister of the Crown, but does not include (i) any institution of the Council or government of the Northwest Territories or of the Legislative Assembly or government of Yukon or Nunavut, or (j) any Indian band, band council or other body established to perform a governmental function in relation to an Indian band or other group of aboriginal people [...]
I believe the definition of a crown corporation has been clearly explained. I wanted to read these definitions to emphasize what Air Canada's obligations are, as an organization that must comply with the Official Languages Act. When it was privatized, it was given its responsibilities under the Official Languages Act. However, private businesses or crown corporations are not obliged to send the complaints or positive comments of users to the Commissioner. No such obligation exists in our mandate or elsewhere.
Personally, I feel that comment cards addressed to Air Canada should suffice. It is Air Canada that must take the steps to ensure they are compliant with the Official Languages Act. If Air Canada management is not made aware, no steps will be taken either to solve the problems or to congratulate the employees who have received positive comments.
I partly support Mr. D'amours' suggestion. I would like to hear the opinion of the other members of the committee on this matter.
I think that with some refinement, perhaps through amendments, we could end up with a motion that would deal with my concerns and others', and that would satisfy Air Canada clients.
On this basis, Mr. Chairman, we cannot support this motion as moved by Mr. D'Amours. I would invite Mr. D'Amours and my colleagues to comment on this motion and explain why they consider that it complies with our committee's mandate.
Thank you.