What I saw a little earlier struck me as really quite extraordinary. It would be great if you could get the home page of the site back up on the screen. It's really very well done, in addition to being very easy to use, very user-friendly.
As I see it, sharing is important. The whole rationale for this Standing Committee on Official Languages is to improve the use of our official languages in Canada, obviously in any and every way possible. Sharing is a responsibility for each of the departments, in my opinion, and you already seem to be assuming that responsibility. A number of official languages champions from various departments have come to meet with us. Is there a league of champions where you can get together and share your successes? Once again, I think everyone fundamentally accepts the notion that helping to improve the French fact and the status of Canada's official languages is intrinsic and that it must systematically be part of everything that goes on—which seems to be the case in your department.
Do you have ample opportunity to share with other departments the successes and positive results you have achieved?