Thank you for accepting our request to appear.
Les EssentiElles is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1995. I would like to tell you a little story. It was the then President of the AFY, whom you met this morning, who, seeing that the needs of Francophone women were not well enough defined or dealt with by the organization, asked one of her friends to present a motion at the general meeting stating that separation was necessary and that Les EssentiElles should become an independent group. After that, she resigned from her position at the AFY to join the team of EssentiElles. That gives you some idea of the origins of our group. It was the then President of the AFY who detected a need, and the women supported her to move the project forward.
We are actively involved in enhancing the quality of life of Francophone women in the Yukon as we try to meet their needs. Our mission is to act as their spokesperson in our relations with the AFY, the school board and all the various Francophone and Anglophone organizations, so that the needs and interests of Francophone women taken into account. One of the characteristics of our organization is that we represent women from all over, from all walks of life. We do not only work with children and the sick; we also work in such areas as social justice and education, and we sit on a variety of health-related committees, as well as being members of the Community Partnership in Education. So, we are active in every area, but in a limited fashion, obviously. That is the reason why we advocate with respect to all of these different issues, depending on the priorities set by the committee, but always with a focus on women.
I did not have much time to prepare my presentation, because the invitation arrived late. So, in terms of my presentation, I would like to talk a little about Canadian Heritage. Our ability to fulfill our mission as a spokesperson is possible through the financial assistance provided under Canadian Heritage's Official Language Minority Communities Support Program, under the Roadmap for 2000-2013. That funding is the engine that enables us to carry out our work, and we would like to see it increased. We have been receiving the same amount of money since 2006, with a slight increase between 2003 and 2006.
Basic expenses for the group increase with the cost of living, and to an even greater extent in the North. Diversification of our funding is one of our priorities, but it is fairly limited for women's groups in Canada, given the fact that, in recent years, there have been massive cuts to Status of Women Canada's programming. There is also the fact that the majority of the funding is now project funding, which means that resources are drawn from the basic operating budget in order to carry out projects. Often employees end up leaving to pursue other professional challenges. Also, when a project is completed and we have not been able to find another project for a fantastic employee who is fully operational, qualified, speaks French and does a good job, we end up losing that employee. It is extremely difficult to retain human resources within the organization.
We would like to point out that the dynamic focus of our group, and therefore its contribution to the vitality of the French fact, is closely connected to the financial assistance we receive from Canadian Heritage under the Roadmap.
With respect to Citizenship and Immigration Canada, there is currently no service in French offered to Francophone immigrants, something that was mentioned this morning by the AFY. We also note that CIC is not fulfilling its obligation to provide services in both official languages. The contract signed with the Louise Multucultural Community Centre does not include an obligation to provide services in both languages.
Francophone immigrant women therefore do not have the same opportunities to become integrated into the community, both the Yukon and Franco-Yukon communities, something which has an effect on their ability to contribute to the expansion of the French fact. All across Canada, we need immigrants to strengthen our communities. If Francophone immigrants arrive here and cannot become integrated into the community or receive services in French, they will have a much harder time feeling as though they're part of the community and will be less likely to stay in the Yukon to participate in community development.
A recent contribution, a project aimed at Francophone immigration, is a step in the right direction. If the project continues, that could attract new Francophones from various regions of the world. However, if there are no settlement services, they won't really be able to become settled, and will end up not staying. A project gets off the ground to welcome Francophones to the area, but then they are not given any services to help them become settled.
With respect to health care, Les EssentiElles offers a prenatal nutrition program to pregnant women and supports them as well as the entire family, the fathers included, up until their child is one year of age.
That program is critical in terms of ensuring language transmission in Francophone and exogamous families, because the ability of Francophone families to receive support and be involved in activities in French during pregnancy and up until their child turns one, means they can retain and pass on the French language and, more importantly, break their isolation. If a family that comes here has to become integrated into an Anglophone group, it is not so simple for them. The parents then have to speak English to their child, when it would be preferable that they speak to the child in French. So, this program allows families to get together and receive services, information and references. Other details may seem insignificant to some—such as the need to know the English translation for “rougeole”. When people go to a health care centre because they believe their child has reached an age when he should be vaccinated, but they don't know the name of the vaccination, the nurse may look at them strangely, making them feel uncomfortable and complicating access to services. That is a problem. With funding, our group develops resources—for example, small index cards that give the translation for different vaccines and illnesses.
On a number of occasions, the committee has pointed out the lack of programs in French for children aged one to school age. A program is available for children up to the age of one, but between that age and the time when children enter school, there is no program in place to allow people to meet and be together. There are in English, but not in French. The Community Action Program for Children would meet that need, but funding for the program has not been renewed in several years. So it has not been possible to register in that program. We have been making our needs known to the Public Health Agency of Canada since at least 2000, but have thus far received no answer.
One of the problems we face, which may be of interest to you, is that there is no bilingual officer managing the programs we receive through Health Canada, and specifically the Public Health Agency of Canada. Because that is the case, every application we make must be translated, whether it involves funding, changes to the budget or requests of another nature. So, on a daily basis, if I have a question for my officer, I send her an e-mail in English, because otherwise, she has to have it translated, which takes a week; in the meantime, I have to wait. Yet under the Official Languages Act, things are not supposed to work that way. I should be able to communicate with federal government officials in French, but that is not the case here.
Last year, we presented a special project on diabetes. We received the funding we had requested, but the grant application was only partially translated into French. In such a case, the officers reviewing the application only access part of the information. The problem here is that these people have not invested the necessary amount of money to have our complete application translated. In that case, we did receive funding, but the opposite could occur if people do not receive complete information.
The health and welfare of Francophone families is the cornerstone of community development, and maintaining the French language at home has a direct influence over registration at the French day care and school. Without the prenatal program, which gives families an opportunity to speak French right from the beginning, it will be more difficult later for them to attend the Francophone day care or school.
As I mentioned, our organization covers every sector of the community, whether it's the economy, health care, employment or culture, an area where Mr. Nadon, whom you met this morning is involved. Financial support from the federal government, through Franco-Yukoner community organizations such as the Association franco-yukonnaise, l'école Émilie-Tremblay, l'école secondaire de l'Académie Parhélie or the Community Health Partnership, are fundamental to our community's ability to assert itself and develop.
The vitality of other organizations has a direct impact on our work, since we cooperate closely with a variety of organizations. For example, as regards training that targets the specific needs of women, a course in basic mechanics is offered to women in French. In terms of promoting and supporting women artists in the field of arts and culture, in cooperation with the AFY, we will be presenting a group exhibition in March which will be an opportunity for Franco-Yukoner women to exhibit their art. It will be a chance to promote Francophone women artists and ensure that they have their rightful place in these activities. That is part of our work. Many women are working within the organization at this time. Often this happens quite naturally, but it's not systematic. Part of our role is to ensure that women have a presence.
In terms of continuity and increased operating funds that would reflect the rise in the cost of living, which is particularly high in the North, they will be critical in the coming years to ensure that what French-speaking Yukoners have achieved in the last 25 years is not lost but is, on the contrary, sustained and strengthened. The cultural, social and economic vitality of our community clearly demonstrates that the resources provided under the Roadmap are a key component of promoting Canada's two official languages. Its renewal is of paramount importance for our community.
I believe you had an opportunity to hear from government officials this morning. At the territorial level, we have noted that the offer of services in French is extremely uneven and based more on individuals than on the services themselves. Indeed, there are not necessarily any positions designated bilingual. Often there is one, but it disappears. A person who speaks French stays in the position for six months, but when that person leaves, the service is no longer available. With respect to several different services, the government determined there was bilingual staff, but active offer is not consistent, which makes requesting services difficult. People come to the counter and ask to be served in French. The attendant replies that he will find someone who will can provide service in French, but that may take 10 or 15 minutes. So, in the meantime, people have to wait, with everyone looking at them. Then the attendant finally comes back and says that the individual in question is on a break, asking whether they want to wait. That is when people decide they have better things to do, so they simply choose to speak English. Yes, there is service in French, but most of the time, it is not available.
There are several departments where it is possible to apply for funding in French, such as Status of Women Canada, which we deal with, and the Community Development Fund. However, even there, the last time I made an application, I received a call from someone wanting to know whether one part of the application was identical to the previous one, in order to avoid having to have it translated again. It was a project application, meaning that it wasn't the same thing and, in any case, they are the ones that demand different applications. It is unpleasant to receive that kind of call.
In terms of government documents, the translation is irregular. Franco-Yukoners don't have systematic access to documents in French, and it is not unusual to have to insist that the documents be translated, or for the department to ask us which part of the report we want to have translated. One department asked me whether we had funds to translate its material. I was quite shocked by that.