Every week, there are between 45 and 60 people who come to church; it varies considerably. The age of those who attend also varies. Certain Sundays, there may be 18 or 20 children under the age of five among the 45 or 50 people. I can't say that there is renewed spirituality, but those who come are people who are returning to something they had abandoned, are affected by the beauty or grandeur of what they see here, or are seeking a community to be able to share that. It is the only community that can express its faith in French.
Furthermore, we are associated with the Anglophone Catholic Church, meaning that we come under the Whitehorse diocese. However, the service per se is not yet something the diocese has officially put in place; it is really only the result of the good will of certain people. When they wanted a priest, they found me. In other words, they went looking on their own. If I were to leave tomorrow morning, I think it would be a similar situation again. At the same time, the community is stronger. I think that services would continue to be provided by volunteers, lay persons, people committed to the cause, parents, faith education, seniors.
We meet with women seniors, because others who are close to them develop natural support networks. This is an unbelievable source of strength for all kinds of things that happen here in the Yukon. When people start to come together in a community, whatever community it is, they share the same centres of interest. It's like the fruits of a community that comes together based on a particular goal. It gives them an opportunity to get to know each other, as well as to share their common experiences.