There is friction when it comes to funding applications. For example, if we, on the Francophone side, receive $35,000 for the territory and Anglophone groups receive the same amount, they wonder why Francophones, who number only 1,200, are receiving the same amount of money as they are, when there are 30,000 of them. They question that sort of thing.
Also, we hear Anglophones talk about the French mafia. That is the English expression they use to say that Francophones have the right contacts, that they know how to secure money and get things done. They have an incorrect view of things. They think there is inequality and that we have a lot more than they do.
Because the Yukon government takes so little interest in promoting services in French, when we ask for them, we are perceived as whiners who are always asking for more than the others.
For example, if we're waiting in line and want to be served in French, all the other people who are waiting wonder what we're doing, and why they are at the back of the line. It takes time for them to get over it. We look like people who are always making a nuisance of ourselves.
That is the kind of friction we see.