Good morning, everyone. Welcome to our committee.
As a Quebec francophone, I was startled to hear that Service Canada is still providing unilingual services although we have two official languages in Canada. This is a fact, and it matters little if there are 10, 20, 1,000 or 60,000 francophones in a province that is supposed to be unilingual.
On what basis do you provide unilingual service in Nova Scotia, for example? Right next to Nova Scotia, in New Brunswick, an officially bilingual province, there are plenty of francophones.
Explain to me how you determined that such and such an office would be unilingual when, close by, there are plenty of francophones whose first official language is French. Help me to understand that.
We always hear that both official languages are very important, but this situation might lead us to think otherwise. I am a francophone from the Quebec City region, where there are very few anglophones. However, when they want to be served in their language, I dare to hope that they can be. If I go to Nova Scotia and I need directions, I hope that I will never get “I don't speak French” for an answer.