Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Welcome once again. You met with us as recently as October 2009.
I'm going to choose to speak English today because I'm proud to be able to speak both languages. I am a product of immersion.
What has surprised me here today is the lack of understanding by our members and their lack of acknowledgment that we have a significant societal problem with the lack of bilingual Canadians.
We have studied this in our committee. We have recognized, from a number of witnesses, that this is not an Air Canada problem solely. This is a societal problem within our country, in that we are not producing enough bilingual people. Every university that has appeared before this committee has indicated very clearly that we do not have enough bilingual Canadians.
This is not your fault. I am going to apologize to all of you, because I am absolutely appalled at the treatment you received here this morning. You did not come here to be attacked, and I am sorry that is all you seem to be getting from some of these people.
Monsieur Godin, it is my turn.