It had some serious problems, but thanks to advertising, it is starting to do much better.
It's the same thing with newspapers. We've got a couple of weekly newspapers in Cornwall, for example, Le Journal de Cornwall.... I don't know if you're familiar with it. It published 800 newspapers; they're now up to 25,000. Conversely, the Seaway News, which is a weekly newspaper, always sends out 37,000 English newspapers. They give them out for free. Now they have a French version.
The advertising is coming in, but I won't advertise there. I don't want to advertise in Le Journal de Cornwall. I advertised with my heart because there were only 800 subscribers, but when they have 25,000 it makes more sense.
If you want to make money, sometimes you have to spend money. What you said is so critical, and I wonder if sometimes you have to push the envelope a little. That's what enterprise is all about, because the competition in the media in the last five years has been fierce. A lot of the media have not survived in the last five years. We had an English radio station in Cornwall that failed because of the competition. I think it's survival of the fittest, and if anything, I would recommend that you be more aggressive and maybe make an investment in hiring that sales manager so you can get you more business.
Do you have any comments to make?