My colleague Mr. Déry talked a little about that earlier. Every department integrates official language activities with overall operations. So, depending on circumstances, departments and their mandates, it can be difficult to identify what they are doing specifically in terms of official languages.
A coordinated strategy like the strategy under the Roadmap makes it at least possible to establish some clear key initiatives—there are 32 in the Roadmap—that together reflect a significant part of the federal government's action in terms of official languages.
We have an interesting system that enables us to be accountable, through departmental performance reports and reports on plans and priorities, for the money spent by each department every year. An appendix shows that information. We have provided the committee with copies.
In retrospect, we see that—and this is included in our mid-term evaluation—we definitely need to spend more time on tracing funding on the ground. We should perhaps do something so that people on the ground know that the Roadmap exists and that funding or part of the funding for such and such a project comes from the Roadmap. That is perhaps an improvement we should consider.