Thank you very much for the question.
Probably the issue with respect to of the things that underlines all of the work that we do in our four initiatives under the road map is an extensive program of consultation with the official language minority communities. Frankly, they are probably better placed to understand what the challenges are that they are facing.
When we initiated the work on the road map we developed an integrated official languages minority community consultation framework. That is a big sort of statement to say we tried to make sure we had our act together, and we wanted to facilitate meaningful consultations with the official language minority communities. We shared the plan with the national-provincial-regional OLMC organizations. We also provided for and committed to an annual dialogue session with the national OLMCs.
As I noted before, I'm relatively new to the department, but in the time I've been there I have participated in two of the annual dialogue sessions. The first took place last November with the francophone minority communities and then in February with the anglophone communities. These were daylong sessions where we brought people in, and we also brought in my colleagues from Service Canada, who are of particular interest to the OLMCs. We brought in people who were responsible for key programs, not just those associated with the road map initiative, to be able to have a really open and clear dialogue.
We had representative participation from both the francophone and anglophone minority communities. They represented a whole range of sectors covering literacy, economic development, employability, seniors, child care, youth, and learning. We brought in advocacy organizations.
Stephen noted earlier that one of the benefits of the road map is the horizontality that's encouraged between other federal departments. We brought in representatives from other federal departments to participate and to hear from the minority communities directly.
These sessions really are fundamental to allowing us to get a better understanding of what the community priorities and challenges are. It also allows the communities to be more aware of what our role is with respect to supporting part VII of the Official Languages Act, but also the programs and services we provide to Canadians more broadly.