I'm an optimist. I have to say that. I am an optimist, and I would like to see a day where the English-speaking community.... I won't speak for the French,
francophones outside of Quebec.
I could speak for francophones in Quebec, but let me just speak for the English-speaking here.
I'm an optimist to say that we will be, 15 years down the road, in a place where the threat of an English-speaking minority in Quebec will not be considered the current threat. It will not be considered a threat in 15 years. That will take 15 years of working, finding common areas to work on for our community within the Government of Quebec, where we can demonstrate that if you take something away from somebody else, it doesn't take it away from everybody, that we can work together, that we are a contributing group, that a strong English-speaking community is not a threat to the francophones.
I've lived in Toronto as an anglophone and I didn't feel part of Toronto. I'm back in Quebec. I'm a Quebecker. I'm an anglophone from Quebec. I don't feel part of....
Lots of people don't understand what that feels like, to live in Quebec and be an anglophone, to go to Toronto and not feel part of Toronto and the rest of Canada. I love B.C., but I'm not.... I'm an anglophone Quebecker. I want to stay in Quebec, and I want to live and I don't want to feel like a threat.
I'm not atypical of my community. Even in my generation, I don't think I'm atypical. I think people want to see, in 15 years, that kind of living, without that political threat.