First of all I think it's important to recognize that, when we talk about official language minority communities in Quebec, it's an inclusive definition. I'll get a little technical. It includes what Statistics Canada calls those people whose first official language spoken was English. In other words, it might not be their mother tongue, but according to the way the Canadian government counts English speakers, it is their official language. First of all, I would reach out to those groups and say there are supports and resources available to them if they understand how the English-speaking community works.
Just to be clear, within the Quebec government, generally English speakers are identified by mother tongue. It's a different way of counting, and first official language counting includes more people.
In terms of what advantages it offers specific groups, it's absolutely through networking, through being part of a large group that there's know-how and possibilities for work together, for initiatives, for learning from each other—for example, through educational and research activities. The advantages are definitely there.
That being said, I'm well aware of the situation you are mentioning. I remember talking to a friend of mine who was in fact of Italian heritage, and she said to me in English, “I'm not an Anglo”, and for her that meant British. We had a discussion kind of like I just said.