That brings me to the following question. Is it possible to list all the lawyers graduating from francophone or bilingual law schools and to find out how these people are distributed across the country from coast to coast?
Since 1988, many people have been studying law in French. I myself am a former student of the Faculty of Law at the Université de Moncton, which is francophone. The University of Ottawa now teaches law in French. I think even the Université de Sherbrooke teaches common law in French. I don't know all the details, but I know there has been a rapid evolution. When I was studying at the Université de Moncton, there were students from practically every province. Those students' mother tongue was English and they came to study in Moncton. That must also happen in Ottawa and elsewhere.
Historically, I can understand the apprehension and fear of the people in the west of not having judges from their area at the Supreme Court because of the bilingualism requirement. However, I find the exception to be inconsistent, since judges in other federal courts must be bilingual. After all, there are federal courts in western Canada. Why is there an exception for the Supreme Court of Canada?
Well, let's move on from the fear and apprehension.
Are you familiar with how the supposedly bilingual lawyers have been distributed since the advent of law schools in French?