As I have often heard, the safeguard of francophone culture is Quebec culture. This ignores Netflix's knowledge of francophone culture outside Quebec. I like this perspective. But, I'm reluctant to support this amendment right away, and it has nothing to do with its content.
I discussed it earlier with Ms. Lecomte. We study things, it takes us on other paths, and we all get excited. We all want things to be fine, but when it's time to make reports and recommendations, we've lost the thread. It would be so nice if we could finish what we started, meaning, report back and move on to something else.
The Air Canada file is the perfect example. We have to go back, retread ground we've already covered, remember what was said, search the witnesses' statements.
I understand the need to look at this soon. I'm not against the idea. I'm really worried about this situation, too, for the reasons I explained. However, could we study this a little later, but early in 2018? That way, we could finish what we've already started before moving on to something else.