Mr. Johnson, on May 14, during the pandemic crisis, your organization issued its first report. Of course, we know that the questions were probably asked in March or April, well before the report was released in May.
All Canadians and non-profit organizations panicked, and your organization was no exception. We didn't know how the measures would be implemented or how the army of public servants would be used to get the job done. I'm speaking from the federal government's perspective.
Yesterday, I read your January report, for which the surveys were conducted in the fall. I noticed, and correct me if I'm wrong, that all your members and all the people whom you represent said that the current federal government stepped up to the plate. I'm providing a summary, since the report is quite long. In addition, all organizations spoke of a timely response and expressed a high level of satisfaction with the federal government's programs.
Up to this point, have I understood your report correctly?