Yes, definitely.
The federal government is responsible for assuring that educational systems in both official languages have comparable services, resources and course offerings. The concept of equity is often applied, but not necessarily that of equality. Ms. Adam referred earlier to this by pointing out that in some regions, it might be more expensive to have some services in French at identical or comparable levels to those in the English-language system. I'm speaking about Ontario here, but generally speaking, francophone communities vary from one location to another. Some communities are smaller, more isolated or more spread out than others.
The federal government definitely has a responsibility with respect to the two official languages. It's definitely possible for provincial governments to be unable to do everything all the time. It all depends on circumstances and available resources. It's an important responsibility, at least in terms of support. This vitality definitely needs to be protected and strengthened. Everything hinges on education systems and school communities. After all, a school is much more than a physical location.