Thank you, Mr. Levesque.
Thank you, Ms. Ashton.
Before we finish this first part, and before we get to the second panel, who are from the Northwest Territories, I want to let the witnesses know that they can stay. It's a public meeting, so they can stay if they wish. They are welcome.
I think Ms. Gladu asked for some information, but if there is any additional information that you think would be helpful to the committee, please send it to us. Remember, we're not in your experts' shoes. If you are talking about funding, please specify which funding. For example, specify whether it is the OLEP or provincial funding, so that we are clear on what it is. Feel free to do so.
Before we briefly suspend the meeting to welcome the next panel, I want to send a message. This is a public meeting and Canadians are listening. I imagine that many school boards listen to us in minority communities. In Quebec, it's the anglophone communities, and outside Quebec, it's the francophone communities. All members of the Fédération nationale des conseils scolaires francophones.
as well as all the members of the Quebec English School Boards Association will receive a questionnaire very soon.
The school boards, school districts, whatever their name, all the members of the two national organizations I just mentioned, namely the Fédération nationale des conseils scolaires francophones and the Quebec English School Board Association, will receive a questionnaire directly related to this study. It is important that it be filled out. I think the deadline is December 31.
I want to say to those who are listening online that we need this, because it will really help us produce an excellent report. With that, I will briefly suspend the meeting.