We will resume.
We are continuing our study of the minority-language education continuum, and we now welcome our second panel of witnesses.
We have Stephanie Hickey, teacher, as an individual; and Nicole Nicolas, principal of the École communautaire la Voie du Nord. Both are joining us by video conference.
Ladies, I imagine this is your first appearance before the Standing Committee on Official Languages. I hope you aren't nervous because you're in good hands here. This is the best committee on Parliament Hill, and our members are exceptional.
We will allow each of you five minutes to introduce yourselves or to outline what you want to tell us. I am very strict about time. Please don't be insulted if I cut you off after five minutes. You may continue your remarks in response to the questions you'll be asked along the way.
Mrs. Hickey, we will begin with you, and I now turn the floor over to you for exactly five minutes.