The meeting is resuming.
I'd like to say a few words for the benefit of the witnesses joining us for the second hour. Two of them are participating by video conference.
Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. When you are ready to speak, you can click on the microphone icon to activate your mike. When you are not speaking, your mike should be on mute.
For interpretation services, those participating via Zoom have the choice, at the bottom of their screen, of either Floor, English or French. Members participating in person can use the earpiece and select the appropriate channel.
Lastly, a reminder that all member and witness comments should be addressed through the chair.
I want to let our witnesses know that they will have five minutes each for their opening remarks, after which, we will proceed to questions.
I would like to welcome the witnesses. From Acfas, formerly known as the Association francophone pour le savoir, we have the executive director, Sophie Montreuil. This is her very first appearance before the best committee on the Hill. We also have two representatives from the Société de la francophonie manitobaine: Daniel Boucher, executive director, and Jean‑Michel Beaudry, assistant director general.
Ms. Montreuil will start us off with her five-minute presentation.
Over to you.