Thank you, Ms. Montreuil.
I would like to thank our witnesses today. For those attending for the first time, I would remind them that the speaking time allocated to each question was determined ahead of time by mutual agreement. So if I appeared to be someone with an iron fist in a velvet glove, I would remind you that I did no more than apply the established rules.
Thank you, witnesses, for your testimony. If you believe you have additional information that you did not have time to submit to us because of the short amount of time allowed for questions and answers, you can send them it writing to our clerk, who will forward it to us.
Before adjourning the meeting, I would like to remind members that there won't be a meeting on Thursday, and that next Tuesday, the last half-hour will be spent on committee work to establish a list of witnesses based on political party representation and to vote on a motion concerning the information that was requested from us.
The meeting is adjourned.