Is there unanimous consent to restart the meeting from the beginning?
Actually, I'll flip the question the other way. Is there anyone opposed to us restarting the meeting so that it is live from the beginning to now?
No one around the table is against it. We will therefore resume the meeting from the beginning.
For the public, who can probably hear us now, we are going back a little bit because the first two or three minutes of the meeting are missing.
I therefore call this meeting to order. Welcome. We are resuming meeting No. 38 of the Standing Committee on Official Languages, suspended on November 15.
Today’s meeting is taking place in hybrid format, pursuant to the House order of Thursday, June 23, 2022. Members may attend in person or through the Zoom application.
To provide some context, I remind everyone that on Tuesday, before it suspended, the committee was discussing Mr. Serré’s suggestion to pass the first four points of Mr. Godin’s amendment, reject the fifth point and add a sixth. That’s a summary. We can now refer to last Tuesday’s meeting.
As I said, we can proceed this way if there is unanimous consent. Otherwise, we will have to come back to the debate in progress when I suspended the meeting last Tuesday. When I suspended it, Mr. Godin had the floor.
Mr. Godin, I give you the floor one more time, so that we can repeat the missing part of the meeting’s live stream.