Yes, exactly. This is the format that committees have already agreed to.
I would now like to welcome Mariève Forest, president and senior researcher at Sociopol, who is here in person. From the Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick, a beautiful province, we have Cyrille Simard, vice-president, development. He is from my region and is participating in the meeting via Zoom. Also joining us in person are two representatives of the Fédération nationale des conseils scolaires francophones: Valérie Morand, executive director, and Tanya Saumure, second vice-president. The person missing is Luisa Veronis, associate professor at the University of Ottawa. We hope to see her soon and, if she comes, we will do a sound test on the spot.
As usual, we will let the witnesses make a brief presentation of up to five minutes. I am very strict about speaking time. If you don't have time to finish your presentation, that's fine. You will have the opportunity to do so as we ask you questions. I apologize in advance if I interrupt you a little before the end of your five minutes to tell you that you have 30 seconds left.
With that said, we'll begin with Ms. Forest for five minutes.