Thank you, Mr. Chair.
The Community Economic Development and Employability Corporation thanks the committee for the opportunity to share highlights of its brief with you, which was submitted on October 6, 2023.
In terms of introduction, I would simply like to remind committee members that CEDEC is the federally designated and financed organization responsible for the economic development of the official-language minority community in Quebec. Economic development includes business and social enterprise development, as well as labour market and employment service development.
During my remarks today, I will make five points.
Number one, individual and community well-being across Quebec and Canada is fully dependent upon an economy that maximizes the possibilities for exchanging value. To succeed today, a small bed and breakfast in Blanc-Sablon on Quebec's lower north shore must connect with and offer its services to customers from across the province, across the country and around the world. Understanding that we are all part of a common economy with its local, regional, provincial, national and global dimensions is fundamental to determining how best to position official-language minority communities to contribute to and benefit from economic development.
Number two, English speakers are strengthening their contribution to growing Quebec's economy and focusing on the opportunity and wealth this contribution creates. Growing businesses and social enterprises, generating jobs, placing English speakers in vacant positions and attracting investment across the province are some of the ways English speakers contribute to the economy shared by all Quebeckers. Additionally, this economic development contribution enables the community to address the distressing economic situation it has experienced for more than a decade. A summary of 2021 data reconfirming this situation was provided to the committee in our brief.
Number three, the English-speaking community of Quebec has created an ambitious, actionable, achievable and, most importantly, necessary 10-year economic development plan. The ESCQ created a 2023-33 economic development plan that lays out bold and targeted results to further strengthen the contribution of English speakers to growing and developing Quebec's economy while leveraging these efforts to reduce the disparities limiting its contribution. The plan provides a long-term playbook to continue to enhance the well-being of English speakers and the vitality of the community, positioning it to effectively navigate the economic, social and political dynamics of its environment.
Number four, the key to success in achieving the economic outcomes of our 10-year plan is unprecedented collaboration and coordination. To achieve success, the execution of the 10-year plan requires unprecedented collaboration and coordination across the English-speaking communities of Quebec, between the English-speaking communities of Quebec and the francophone majority, especially Quebec's public, private and civil society sectors, and between the English-speaking communities of Quebec and federal departments and agencies with official languages economic development responsibilities for the community.
Number five, and perhaps most importantly for you, your committee can be instrumental in making all of this happen by recognizing and endorsing, through your recommendations, the following.
Each OLMC in Canada must find a way to maximize its economic development in a manner that is tailored and suited to its particular economic, social and political circumstances. The “by and for” long-term collaborative economic development plan developed by the English-speaking communities of Quebec is the road map the federal government should be guided by to ensure the community's full participation in growing and sustaining Quebec's economy while simultaneously reducing the economic disparities limiting such participation.
The federal government should maximize its investment in the OL economic development space in Quebec by aligning and coordinating its funding to actively support the achievement of the economic outcomes outlined in the ESCQ's 10-year economic development plan. That includes supporting the ESCQ economic development ecosystem created to ensure required collaboration across the community. It includes supporting collaborative economic development as the optimal approach to ensure required collaboration between the English-speaking communities of Quebec and the francophone majority, especially Quebec's public, private and civil society sectors, and creating a $15-million five-year collaborative economic development leverage fund.
It also includes maximizing interdepartmental coordination in the OL economic development space in Quebec under the leadership of the Department of Canadian Heritage, with the active and sustained participation of Employment and Social Development Canada, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions.
Finally, it includes working with already designated organizations such as CEDEC and enabling them to act as community hubs to receive and distribute federal transfers in a pooled, focused and coordinated manner.