Thank you, co-chairs, honourable members of Parliament, and senators, for the opportunity to present before this committee.
My name is Carlo Berardi. I'm a practising pharmacist in Sudbury, but I'm here today in my capacity as chair of the board of directors for the Canadian Pharmacists Association.
CPhA is the national voice for pharmacy in Canada, focused on advancing the health and well-being of Canadians through excellence in pharmacist care. Through our 10 provincial associations, we represent more than 20,000 pharmacists and pharmacy students across Canada.
I'm joined today by my colleague, Phil Emberley, who is also a practising pharmacist and the director of professional affairs with CPhA. We recognize that you all have an incredibly difficult task at hand, one that must balance the views and perspectives of various stakeholders, the public, and, most importantly, the patients. We are here today to speak to you about the role of pharmacists in physician-assisted dying and, conversely, the impact that physician-assisted dying could have on pharmacists.
Since the Supreme Court ruling almost a year ago, much of the public debate has focused on the role of physicians in assisted dying, and understandably so. However, physicians don't work alone. Rather, they are part of a larger system that relies on nurses, pharmacists, social workers, and other health care providers, each with their own scope of expertise and responsibility. While the Carter decision focused primarily on the role of doctors in providing end-of-life care, we have had the opportunity to reflect on the important role of pharmacists in both end-of-life care and assisted dying.
You have heard from various witnesses on the scope of the Carter decision and the extent to which other health care professionals should be involved in assisted dying. It is our opinion that regardless of how assisted dying is regulated in Canada, pharmacists will have a role to play.
Pharmacists are consistently rated as being among the most trusted professionals in Canada. Their accessibility and visibility within their communities also mean that pharmacists are often the first point of contact for patients who are looking for timely, evidence-based, and informed health information.
As a practising pharmacist, I know first-hand how the public relies on pharmacists for information on a wide variety of health issues, so it's quite likely that pharmacists will be asked to provide information on assisted dying to help in making an informed choice.
Over the past several months, CPhA has been consulting extensively with our members and with experts in the field in order to develop a policy position and framework to help inform governments as they themselves grapple with the issue. This consultation has included a national survey of pharmacists and pharmacy stakeholders, to which we received nearly 1,000 responses. The number of responses we received speaks to the high degree of interest within our profession.
We have also reviewed existing literature and looked at experiences in other jurisdictions that have legalized assisted dying to help inform our policy, and we will provide this information to the committee.
While we have not yet finalized our policy recommendation or a proposed framework for the role of pharmacists in assisted dying, we would like to highlight some of the areas that have consistently been raised.
As primary health providers, we are not surprised that assisted dying elicits various perspectives from within the profession, similar to what you have heard from our physician and nurse colleagues. We consistently heard that pharmacists care first and foremost about the health and well-being of their patients and about ensuring that their patients have access to the best possible care through their end-of-life journey. This means having access to high-quality palliative care, effective pain management, and assisted dying.
However, our consultations have also revealed some more practical considerations for pharmacists that we would like to bring forward today. While many of the concerns mirrored those of other health providers, including what you heard a short while ago from our colleagues at CMA and CNA, there are also issues that are unique and of particular relevance to pharmacists.
Regardless of the legislative framework that is put in place or of how the practice is regulated either federally or provincially, one of our primary concerns is ensuring the appropriateness and accessibility of drug therapies. There is no single drug that exists for the purpose of ending someone's life, so, as in the case of any other medication, we believe that the federal government must ensure that the prescribers and the pharmacists have access to the necessary drugs in order to provide the best possible care, including drugs for assisted dying.
In addition, we also recognize that existing jurisdictions that have legalized assisted dying have taken different approaches, each with different implications for how the actual practice is administered. While we have not finalized our policy and proposed framework on the role of pharmacists in assisted dying, we want to provide some context as to how some of the models could have an impact both on patient care and on the role and the responsibilities of pharmacists.
If we take Quebec as an example, assisted dying there is limited to medical aid in dying, which requires the physician to directly administer the lethal injection. The exact dosage and mix of drugs is set within the provincial framework, and while it's prepared by a hospital pharmacy, it is then administered by the physician in a hospital setting.
However, in parts of Europe and in the state of Oregon we've seen a broader approach that also allows for the oral ingestion of drugs in various settings, including in a home or community setting. In such cases, while physicians continue to play an important role as the prescribers, the role of pharmacists would expand significantly.
Beyond these issues that we feel are particularly relevant to pharmacists, we have also heard feedback from the profession that is consistent with that of other health providers. Pharmacists overwhelmingly support the inclusion of a protection-of-conscience provision in legislation. Like other professions, pharmacists feel strongly that they should not be obligated to participate in assisted dying if it is against their moral or religious convictions. In its ruling, the Supreme Court clearly stated that nothing in the declaration would compel physicians to provide or participate in assisted dying, and we believe that such protection must be extended to pharmacists as well.
While we also believe that patients have the right to receive unbiased information about assisted dying and how to access end-of-life care, like other health care professionals, pharmacists are divided on the obligation to refer someone to another pharmacist who is willing to fill a prescription for the purpose of assisted dying. Our priority remains ensuring patient access, so we encourage the government to examine options that could help facilitate referral while also protecting pharmacists' right to conscientious objection. Further to this, for those pharmacists who wish to participate, we strongly urge legislative frameworks that would limit the liability of health care professionals.
Regardless of the legislative framework, we want to ensure that pharmacists who are members of the interdisciplinary patient care team and also dispensers of lethal doses of medications are fully equipped to provide the necessary care to their patients. This means ensuring that there is effective collaboration between prescribing physicians and pharmacists and ensuring that pharmacists have access to appropriate information, support, and resources should they choose to participate in assisted dying.
Information about a patient's diagnosis and the purpose of the prescription, as well as confirmation of the patient's consent and confirmation that the patient has met all of the eligibility criteria, are key to ensuring appropriate dispensing and will enhance patient care at all points of contact in the system. We believe that this could help mitigate liability for all health providers involved.
We recognize that there is very little precedent to guide the government in addressing this important issue. This is a new area for pharmacists. Nevertheless, the pharmacist profession has the expertise in drug therapy, counselling patients on medications, and drug distribution to play an integral role in ensuring quality end-of-life care.
In conclusion, as this is a new and evolving practice, we believe that it will be critical to monitor and review the implementation of both federal and provincial legislation for years to come. We suggest that this be done through a national advisory panel of interdisciplinary health professionals that would include pharmacists.
In the coming weeks, we will be finalizing our policy and our proposed framework and we would be happy to share these with the committee.
We thank you for your time and we welcome any questions you might have.