I'll just add a bit to that, especially in regard to incremental change.
The Gomery recommendations may seem perhaps more timid and more tinkering than they could have potentially been.
The improvement or reform of Parliament must never rely on the idea, particularly, that there was once a golden age and it's a case of re-establishing Parliament where it was. Certainly if one looks back historically, Parliament has been struggling with certain problems for many years. I'm not sure there ever was a particularly golden age for Parliament.
Indeed, any changes, of course, are more about attitudes and our general political system as a whole. Some of the more macro-level factors of the way political parties operate, the way members are elected, the turnover of members in the House of Commons--something that, of course, voters have control over--all those, really affect the workings of Parliament. Those are changes that are beyond any committee or even Parliament itself, in many ways. They're part of our political system as a whole.
So the more incremental changes, in fact, I think, are perhaps the more important ones. If one looks back to the McGrath recommendations of 20 years ago, those were fairly expansive, at least in their ambition to try to restore Parliament--in some ways, restore it back to a so-called golden age. Those McGrath reforms did not change Parliament dramatically, but they certainly did have some important changes, particularly for committees in their work. Those were the more incremental, tinkering changes, and I think those have been very good, particularly for the House of Commons.
I'd go back to the beginning. It's incremental change that I think is more effective. The more one tries to aspire to greatly restoring Parliament or changing it in a great way, the more one is, in some ways, doomed to failure, because one is struggling against much larger factors and variables that are beyond the control, frankly, of this chamber; they are rooted in our society.