Thank you, Mr. Chairman. On behalf of Health Canada, I'm pleased to be here today to speak to chapter 8 of the Auditor General's report from last November.
We thank the Auditor General for her report. We're pleased she has recognized that we've already made progress in this area that we're here to talk about, which is regulatory programs.
Let me say that we agree with the Auditor General's recommendations, and that in fact the department has already started work to address some of the very issues that were raised. In light of the report, we are preparing a detailed action plan, which we would be pleased to share with the committee over the course of the next couple of weeks.
Health Canada's top priority is protecting the health and safety of Canadians. Every day, our dedicated staff work to safeguard our citizens' health and safety through robust regulatory systems. I can tell you that our safety record in this regard is one of the best, according to international standards. In fact, Canada was recognized in 2002 by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development as a world leader in good regulatory practice and as a pioneer in the field of regulatory reform. Health Canada's role in protecting health and safety is well recognized and supported by Canadians.
That's not to say we don't face challenges, but we do continue to make progress. We appreciate the opportunity to discuss our work with you here today.
Our regulatory responsibilities are significant and broad. Just to give you an idea of the diversity, some of the areas of Health Canada's regulatory responsibilities include drugs, medical devices, and other health products; food; pesticides; consumer products and hazardous substances in the workplace; air and water quality; and toxic substances in the environment.
Regarding drugs and medical devices, as I mentioned before, our regulatory performance today measures up well. Let me give you some specific examples.
Through investments made in the 2003 budget, $190 million in that case, Health Canada has substantially improved the timelines of product reviews for drugs and medical devices while maintaining high safety standards. We've cleared the backlog of reviews and are now meeting internationally benchmarked performance standards for reviews on an ongoing basis. This means that Canadians have earlier access to the products they need.
Another example is the strengthening of Health Canada's post-market surveillance of safety and effectiveness as well as our compliance and enforcement capacity for drugs and medical devices. This was possible as a result of investments announced in the 2005 budget of $170 million over five years.
A final example is our commitment to improving transparency and openness. We are making more information available to the public about the basis upon which decisions are taken, adverse drug reactions, and product risks, as well as increasing public involvement in the regulatory decision-making process. We've also consulted with Canadians on a new policy on public input to the health products review process, which we will be implementing in the next month.
Along with our progress, Health Canada faces a number of challenges in its regulatory programs. To name a few, the department needs to respond to rapid advances in science and technology, to expected and unexpected public health challenges, and to meet public and stakeholder expectations in terms of access, safety, and transparency in addition to increasing demands for faster product approvals and increased intellectual property protection. Our work is broadening in scope, requiring multi-departmental and multi-jurisdictional action.
Canada is not unique by any means in this situation. Our regulatory counterparts around the world are facing very similar challenges.
As I mentioned earlier, Health Canada is working to strengthen our regulatory systems to better safeguard the health and safety of Canadians. In describing what we're doing, I'll note some of the key actions that address the Auditor General's recommendations on improving program management and delivery. I'm grouping these into four main areas of action: program review, cost recovery, operational planning and resource allocation, and performance management and reporting.
We start with the review of our regulatory programs. We are currently undertaking comprehensive reviews of all of our regulatory programs and activities in order to define the level of activities, performance, and resources required to meet our regulatory and other responsibilities, based on the full cost of these activities. In the health products and food branch, this review is complemented by a policy review and renewal exercise for the health products and food system. Together, these reviews will help us further strengthen the regulatory system and meet the needs of Canadians in the future. In the healthy environment and consumer safety branch, a comprehensive review and assessment of our regulatory responsibilities is also under way. They also include compliance and enforcement capacities.
Second, we're updating our cost recovery regime in the health products and food branch to ensure that the department recovers a reasonable portion of its costs for regulatory programs in the branch, including overhead costs. Fees were originally set in the 1990s and haven't been adjusted since. Now it'll be integral to the consideration of any new fee schedule as to what is the appropriate proportion of resource levels that should come from cost recovery and what should come from appropriations.
Third, as part of the strengthening of our financial management control framework, we are improving our operational planning and resource allocation process. We are also implementing a budget management framework. This means that, once funding is allocated to regulatory programs, the department has adequate tools to compare the program objectives and expected results.
These expected results and our performance against them will, in turn, help us to make prudent future funding and resource allocation and reallocation decisions. We are incorporating directives to ensure that the department complies with the conditions and decisions of Treasury Board, and builds on improvements at the branch and departmental level over the past several years.
Fourth, we're strengthening our performance measurement and reporting. The health products and food branch is revising its entire performance measurement framework, including performance indicators and targets for all of its regulatory programs. This new framework will be in place by April 1 of this year.
One further but very important note is that the HECSB's product safety program has also been investing resources to develop and implement an effective planning and performance measurement framework. There will be further work carried out as part of a branch-wide effort to enhance or establish appropriate indicators, baselines, and measurable targets toward tangible results.
In conclusion, we accept the Auditor General's recommendations, and actions are under way to implement them. Through these actions, our intention is that our well-established regulatory systems will be strengthened.
My colleagues and I are happy to answer any questions that the committee has relating to chapter 8 of the Auditor General's report.