I think the question was what I requested in the audit, and there are three points. I said:
It has come to my attention that there are a number of rumours circulating at headquarters concerning the following: in Human Resources, there are funds coded to RO2020 that are being possibly used for purposes other than the management of the pension fund. Some of the funds that according to Treasury Board policies can only be used to manage the pension fund are being used to fund other human resource initiatives. Some of these funds may have been used to fund salaries for summer students, etc.
There have been concerns expressed that consultants who have been hired by compensation branch to manage the pension funds are being paid excessive remunerations and that members of some of the consultants' families have been hired by the force. Children of the Chief Human Resource Officer and the Officer in charge of the Compensation Branch may have been inappropriately hired whose salaries may have been paid out of RO2020.
Given the nature of this matter, please have your audit team conduct an audit of these matters as soon as possible so that we can get the facts related to this matter.
Those are my instructions, based upon Mr. Lewis's complaint to me, which I summarized that same day and gave that same day to my chief auditor.