I'm sorry. This was put in on Friday. I just received it myself this afternoon. It's a very interesting read, and I think it lays out all the revelations that you need to have.
As I've said before many times at this committee, when Ms. Burton came to me and discussed her alarm at the alleged harassing behaviour that Sergeant Frizzell was visiting upon her or her employees, I took action, as I must take action. It was alleged behaviour. What I wanted was to speak with someone who could take the gentleman aside, and Mike Frizzell would have had an opportunity to say, “No, I'm not harassing anybody. Yes, my techniques are different or forceful, but they're not....” He would have been able to speak to it.
You've heard Bruce Rogerson say that we're not into character assassination or certainly career annihilation. I didn't go to Inspector Roy. I wanted somebody who knew Mike Frizzell, who had worked with him, who could sort of say, “Mike, there's been some concern about how the employees are feeling after being interviewed by you. There've been a couple of stories that people have run out of the building, etc. Can you tone it down. Can you think about it.”
Mike Frizzell has said that nobody ever did come and speak to him, nobody ever did mention this to him. I realize now the reason was because the order to terminate the investigation had already been given by Inspector Paul Roy, that most of the people had been sent back to their home bases, and that Sergeant Frizzell had been required to produce his final report.
So yes, I did speak to Assistant Commissioner Rogerson. Yes, I did speak to Doug Lang. And I did speak to Darrell LaFosse. As far as I know, and I believe this to be so, nobody went near Mike Frizzell to say, “Listen, there's some trouble coming out of NCPC with regard to your alleged treatment of witnesses. Can you tone it down.”
So when I said to you--and this was two, two and half years later--I did not know when the final decision had been taken to either, as Gork was saying, have him removed from the investigation, or as Inspector Roy is saying, he was never removed, the investigation was terminated and he was asked to return to his home base, I had no idea. And I was told not to speculate. If I had speculated, I would have thought it would have been Inspector Roy, through Assistant Commissioner Gork. But speculation is just speculation.
I'll go back again. As chief human resources officer, if anybody comes to me and says that people are being harassed, frightened, for undue reason, I have to act. I can't sit on my hands and say, “Well, gee, I hope it'll work out.” And that's what I did.