Yes, I do.
Mr. Chairman, let me thank you and members of the committee for inviting me, as accounting officer for the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, to update you on Passport Canada's response to the Auditor General's status report.
Joining me are officials from Passport Canada. You are probably familiar with Gérald Cossette, who is the chief executive officer of Passport Canada. He will be assisting me primarily in answering questions. Also with him are Ms. Jody Thomas, chief operating officer, and Mr. Gary McDonald, director general of the policy and planning bureau.
More than ever before, Mr. Chairman, the rapid delivery of passports must be balanced with the increased security needs that characterize this new century. In this context, it's quite telling that the Auditor General reported, in 2005, that Passport Canada was struggling to meet higher expectations for security and growing demands for service. Indeed, all fronts are busy.
Further to the Auditor General's report of 2005, Passport Canada swiftly adopted an action plan to address all identified deficiencies. This plan included specific initiatives, deliverables and target implementation dates. As requested by this committee, Passport Canada's 2006-07 annual report will include an updated action plan with revised deliverables and target dates where warranted.
Passport Canada's action plan drove the agency's efforts and has allowed it to make steady yet very diligent progress. Last February the Auditor General complimented Passport Canada for addressing 16 out of the 20 original audit recommendations within a very short period of time.
The four areas the Auditor General still found problematic at the time of the follow-up audit—and I'm repeating what she has just said—were: the absence of a thorough security risk assessment; the lack of a quality control program for entitlement decisions; lax practices in the area of access to the automated passport issuance system; and fourth, lack of an integrated human resources strategy at Passport Canada. I'm pleased to provide members of the committee with an update on these four areas today.
First and foremost, Passport Canada has made good progress in completing a comprehensive security risk assessment of its operations. This task is of such magnitude that it had to be divided into smaller deliverables in order to be properly addressed. A series of draft papers have been, or will be, completed in the very near future, and a final package will be shared in its entirety with the office of the Auditor General following a complete internal review. Passport Canada will also develop a strategy to address any deficiencies identified by this comprehensive security assessment.
Secondly, further to a detailed review of how entitlement decisions are made for all available service channels, both domestically and abroad, Passport Canada is now putting the finishing touches on a quality control program for its entitlement decisions. The full implementation of this program is planned for this current fiscal year.
Thirdly, tighter controls and better access practices have been implemented to safeguard the automated passport issuance system. For instance, a new web-based account creation process will ensure tight controls over the privileges and rights given to staff working on this system. For example, it will ensure strict control over the privileges accorded to staff who take on temporary work assignments in other positions or other offices. Moreover, all access requests to the system must now be approved by the Security Bureau of Passport Canada. Furthermore, the Operations Bureau reviews accounts and profiles on a random basis every three months to ensure that the system is secure and effective.
It should also be noted that Passport Canada is developing a new generation of applications that will improve account controls. These applications will look at account expiry dates, lock-outs for failed login attempts and so on. The development of these applications is well under way and will be completed this fiscal year.
Fourth, and finally, Passport Canada is also developing an integrated human resource planning process. This process has been designed as an integral part of Passport Canada's strategic framework, and it is to be closely integrated into the corporate planning process. It will be implemented this fall.
Although our main purpose here is to discuss the 2007 status report from the Auditor General, I'd also like to share with this committee three other security-related initiatives undertaken by Passport Canada, as I believe it will benefit our discussion.
First, from Canada's missions abroad, Passport Canada successfully repatriated printing capacity for regular blue passports, thereby ensuring that all regular passports, no matter where an individual applies, are subject to the same high security standards.
Second, Passport Canada is working closely with Correctional Services Canada and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in the area of information sharing and security. At present, Passport Canada has access to offender information from Correctional Services Canada. The operational impact of building a Canadian Police Information Centre query into the entitlement process is being assessed.
Finally, Passport Canada has staffed six of the eight regional security advisor positions, thus launching a new initiative aimed at strengthening the security of the organization and the integrity of the passport issuance process. The six security advisors, working in regional directorates across the country, liaise with headquarters and provide expert advice to regional operations on all security matters.
Mr. Chairman, Canadians are expecting quality service at a reasonable price. To meet these expectations, Passport Canada is working on a four-pronged approach that should position the organization well going into the future.
The introduction on August 15, 2007, of a new renewal process for passport holders is the first step in the simplification of Passport Canada's policies and procedures. Combined with the future use of technology, such as the passport online form, such improvements will allow Canadians to renew or apply for their passports more easily, hence reducing the need for Canadians to go to Passport Canada counters. In announcing this in May, Minister MacKay also indicated that we would be moving to a simplified guarantor policy on October 1.
Second, Passport Canada will expand its reach closer to applicants without investing in new infrastructure. This is also part of our vision for the future. This expansion would be done through partnerships with other agencies, such as Service Canada or Canada Post.
Third, Passport Canada will need to automate most of its clerical functions and transfer the freed resources toward its core mandate: the authentication of identity, the protection of passport documents, and the integrity of the issuance process—key elements in the Auditor General's report.
Fourth, as Passport Canada accrues savings through the first three components of the strategy, it needs to invest significantly in new electronic systems and security features that would reinforce the quality of the passport.
Mr. Chairman, my colleagues and I would be pleased to answer any of your questions.
Thank you.