There were a lot of questions there. From what I knew of this individual, he did very good work for us. It wasn't one speech; it was the whole communications process leading up to a very large budget. This was not unreasonable in terms of what was asked for.
Similarly, from what we knew, when Sara Mintz was engaged for quite a modest contract at budget time for an extended period of time, people worked very hard. There's no question there was value, in our view, even at arm's length. We don't know the details of what they were doing--they didn't work for us--but there's no question there was that value.
On the overall budgets, I think the Ottawa Citizen took a subset of all of those above $10,000 and within $1,000 of $25,000. I'm advised we had 43 contracts between $24,000 and $25,000 out of 1,394 contracts. By the way, all those contracts followed the rules, so that's really a non-issue, in my view.