Thank you, Mr. Chair.
To begin, I'll come back to Mr. Lynch. One of the reasons for my attitude today is contained not only in the findings of the report but also in the statement from the Assistant Auditor General. I'm quoting from today's statement:
The government's response to our recommendations in the report gives little assurance or definite undertakings as to how it intends to address the concerns that we raised.
Overall, there was unsatisfactory progress since our previous audits, with some issues having first been raised as long ago as 1997.
At some point in this hearing we're going to talk about the fact that this whole area of appointments has been problematic for a long time. The 1997 report spoke specifically, and it's on page 34 of the report—this is from 1997. Listen to it. It almost sounds like it could be word for word in this report, I say to colleagues:
The government should improve its practices for appointing Board members, in order to ensure that the Immigration and Refugee Board has a sufficient number of experienced decision makers available when they are needed.
That was 1997. It was repeated in audits of 2000 and 2005, and here we are again and it's still a problem. In fact it's such a problem that we have the Assistant Auditor General saying, talking about the IRB, “This is very serious.” Those are the words, straight up, and auditors don't normally talk that bluntly, I'll tell you.
To the report itself, on page 31, 2.102:
The high number of Board member vacancies at the IRB had a significant impact on the Board’s capacity to process cases on a timely basis. The inventory of unresolved cases has reached an exceptionally high level.
I'm sure that every member here can share experiences of people coming in front of us—most of whom are going to be Canadian citizens at some point—in tears. They're in tears because they don't know what to do. It's been years, they've laid down roots, started businesses, started families, and they know that every day the mail could bring a notice that they have to go. This backlog thing is not just an exercise in numbers. This is about people, people who are going to be Canadians.
When I look at the chart, exhibit 2.5 on page 31, Mr. Lynch, I can see—and I say this to my government because I don't very often—that right at the time the current government took power, because that's what the chart says, we began to have increasing unprocessed claims, to the point now where the number is practically off the chart.
How could you not have seen it? How could they not? They knew what the intake was. We've heard from Mr. Goodman that it's lack of decision-makers and it's increased cases. Your office would have the capacity to know that. Why did they not act on it?