Thank you, Chair.
On the question of boards, those might be appropriate, or certainly departmental audit committees might be appropriate for some of these agencies, but they vary significantly in size, and some can be as small as five or six people. To impose a board on a lot of these might actually not make their life any easier. There might be more people on the board than in the agency. So it's really a question of much better portfolio coordination and giving these smaller agencies the support that they need to be able to do their work effectively.
Regarding an officer of portfolio affairs, we note in the report that there are certain departments that have one, and doing so would appear to be a best practice.
On the question of horizontal audits, when we look at a particular issue, we will include the agencies that are within it. I know that the internal audit function of the Treasury Board Secretariat is also doing horizontal audits and has set up, actually, an internal audit function for these small agencies so that each one doesn't have to have its own internal auditors. That is moving, and they're also setting up an audit committee that will cover all those small agencies as well. I'm not exactly sure where all that is at, but those are good practices that are coming into effect.
On reporting, the issue there is that every agency and department, be it the Department of National Defence or an agency of six people, has to produce the same number of reports, which we say are 100 a year. It is very time-consuming and very burdensome, and there are questions about what that information is actually being used for.
There have been some initiatives undertaken on the human resource question and reporting and trying to streamline some of that, but there really is a need to simplify and streamline and reduce the complexity of these things and the numbers of these things, because these agencies simply don't have the capacity to deal with all of them.
Finally, the whole question of support services and shared services is critical. Many of the agencies do not have the budgets to be able to have a financial management expert, a human resource management expert. We have seen cases in which they've gotten into trouble because of that. There was an initiative in the federal government to have them share services with large departments. I question how effective that will be, because I'm not sure that the large departments will pay the attention that might be required to the smaller agencies. Some of the smaller agencies are sharing services between themselves and some are offering services to others. There's a question about the mandate and the MOUs that are put in place to make sure roles and responsibilities are clear.
We have noted a practice that has been introduced in the province of Quebec, where there is a common service for smaller agencies, a bit like a service bureau, if you will, for smaller agencies, and it will actually do the transactions for them. There are various models, and I think the Treasury Board Secretariat is certainly aware of these issues, but there hasn't been a lot of progress on it.