I wanted to raise the fact that in her report, in paragraph 5.74 on page 21, the Auditor General comments that:
Since the early 1990s
—so we're talking of a decade and a half now—
we have identified financial management and controls as areas requiring attention at National Defence. Our previous audits found, for example, that corporate-level planning was not adequate to guide resource allocation
Then when I look over at page 2 under the heading, “What We Found”, one of the bullet points says:
National Defence invests a lot of time in business planning, but the result is a series of short-term operational plans for each division. There is no corporate business plan that links defence strategy to objectives and associated risks
Anybody who is paying any attention knows this stuff makes me crazy, as it has already been identified for almost a decade and a half. The words are almost the same, in that 15 years ago it was that you weren't doing enough corporate level planning, and now you're not doing a “corporate business plan”. It seems to be the same thing to me.
So number one, can you explain to me why, after 15 years, we're still finding the same problem?
My second question would be, what are you doing about it, and what assurance will we have that it's actually going to happen this time, as opposed to another 15 years passing and there being another report. I don't say this wildly; it happens.
Could you respond, please.