Okay. We seem to be stuck on 1% or 5% and I'm looking actually.... We don't have to have 1% or 5%, but if we're looking for some direction, there are all the variables in between that, and this might be something we want to discuss.
In terms of the amount of dollars that are being spent now, the amount of procurement that is going out now, recognizing I think some of the issues that come out--and maybe you can speak to that--as you have dollars that are going to go out for proposals, you have procurements that you actually think are going to happen in 2008, but we know how procurements sometimes happen, and to meet the requirements of the contracts they don't actually happen that year.... So I don't know how that fits into it.
But it would seem to me that in the military, if you go first to Defence and that almost $35 billion, it's a lot of money going out. And it doesn't take much of a change in a contract or a procurement or for the timing to go off, if I'm right, to be out a few million dollars. Is that part of the issue also, because there is a fast track of replacement of some of the assets, and trying to deal with those within a compressed time of one year?