I just wanted to mention that this is not Meili Faille's project. We are studying the department's procurement methods. It is true that I read the whole thing because I had some doubts on the new procedures.
I would just like to draw the committee's attention to one aspect, Mr. Chair. I requested these documents because there was something that concerned me when I consulted the MERX site this summer. In a Request for Statement of Interest and Qualifications, the following sentence appears:
Since this notice relates solely to a Request for Information rather than to a RSIQ, the documentation is provided in English only.
What concerns me is that only the final contract will be available in both languages.
The government is using this approach even though it is in contact with industry representatives. If certain French-speaking suppliers had wanted to submit comments in French, would they have been able to do so?
To date, Public Works and Government Services Canada has made my life somewhat difficult: a request for comments in English only, audio cassettes that were half..., commitments that were not honoured. At this stage, we can't let Public Works and Government Services Canada behave so dismissively with us, the members of the committee. I'm continuing this debate because the fact that the department is showing this much resistance to a new procurement procedure while singing its praises in terms of savings, among other things, appears to me to hide a problem.
I mentioned to the clerk that we were awaiting follow-up to this correspondence. She told me that we had received some documents from certain departments. I was wondering whether it would be possible to forward to us at least the information that is currently available.