Thank you.
First of all, let me say that NRC has a good understanding of the patents that we own. Currently we own about 850 patents in our portfolio. We now have about 1,300 patent applications, because there is a delay between the patent application and the granting of the patent by a patenting agency.
Every year we drop about 150 patents as a result of our annual review of the status of our patents. Patents are costly to maintain, so if we conclude, after an analysis, that a given patent is not going to be exploited because it's distant in time--a patent has only 20 years of history, and after that it's going to be coming into the public domain--then we remove that patent from our inventory.
The value of those assets is very difficult to measure, but NRC invests about $3.7 million a year to maintain its position on all those IPs that we own--our portfolio of 850 patents and 1,200 applications--and we collect about $9 million in royalties every year, so it's a good relationship. Obviously the value of a patent per se is very difficult to establish. It's all a matter of who is going to exploit it, what the real value is, and how competitors are moving. I would say time is of the essence here: the quicker you are in transferring technology to the marketplace, the better you are in getting yourself a strong market position and getting a lot of royalties out of it.