For every audit we do, we have advisers, people who are knowledgeable in the area we're looking at. We will usually bring in three people. They will be consulted on the scope of the audit to make sure we're looking at the right issues, and then, as the teams see the initial findings of the audit, to make sure the findings are appropriate and relevant and have been considered. I think that would be the bulk of the contracts that were given. We have that for every single audit, every performance audit and every special examination.
We also have panels of advisers. We have a senior panel that meets twice a year to give us strategic advice when we bring forward major issues. We have a panel on aboriginal issues to help us identify issues. We have an accounting advisory panel that deals with more technical accounting issues. Those two would also be under $25,000.
We then use a number of consultants on various audits, depending on whether there are certain specialty areas. For example, when we did the special examination of Canada Post, we needed someone who had expertise in marketing. We didn't have someone inside. We would bring in a consultant to work with us on the more specialized areas within our audit work.